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Fuente imagen: Ministerio de Salud, 22 marzo, 2020 |
Beatriz Maturana's articles and notes
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Fuente imagen: Ministerio de Salud, 22 marzo, 2020 |
Carta publicada en Diario El Mercurio, Octubre 21, 2019
Beatriz Maturana Cossio
Publicado en El Mostrador, 3 de junio, 2017
Beatriz Maturana Cossio
Arquitecta y académica FAU
Carta al Director del Diario Últimas Noticias
Edificio de Vicuña MacKenna 20, obra del arquitecto francés Eugenio Joannon Crozier (1860-1938), que albergó a la Facultad de Ciencias Químicas y Farmacéuticas de la Universidad de Chile |
El Ministerio del Interior y Seguridad Pública a través del Plan Chile Seguro, considera implementar medidas de protección situacional para contar con lugares más seguros, que prevengan el delito mediante el diseño del ambiente físico, con el objeto de apoyar la incorporación de estándares de diseño y lograr así reducir la victimización y la sensación de inseguridad en espacios públicos, entornos comerciales, barrios residenciales y viviendas. El Plan contempla dos vías de acción; una indirecta, que considera la transferencia de conocimiento sobre prevención del delito mediante el diseño ambiental a actores claves, a través de capacitación y asesoría; y una directa, que promueve la aplicación de estos criterios o certificaciones de seguridad residencial.
The following summary is based on an article of El Mercurio, Manuel Valencia (29.09.2012) entitled “El constructor chileno de Haiti” (The Chilean builder of Haiti). Brief and translation by Beatriz Maturana.
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Photo: El Mercurio, Guillermo Rolando |
I recently visited the new building for Royal Children Hospital in Melbourne, Australia which, as I hope these images capture, manages to successfully create a friendly and stimulating environment for children.
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Hospital's main façade |
I thought I should share this confession of my errors, a realisation triggered when watching "Obama speaks out about bin Laden raid", http://www.abc.net.au/news/video/2011/05/09/3211956.htm. 7pm ABC TV News NSW, Monday, May 9, 2011.
By Beatriz C. Maturana
According to the words of the Pritzker Prize jury, in the 80’s and at the height of post-modernism, Souto de Moura's buildings were “intensely out of fashion”.[1] Souto de Moura deliberately did not give in to the pressure to conform to architectural fashion or fads. Working with and within his own architectural national context has provided Souto de Moura with an abundance of meaningful references to build upon. The jury referred to Souto de Moura’s architectural work in terms of the “echoes of architectural traditions”, “mindful of its context” that reinforces history while, “expanding the range of contemporary expression”.[1] His most challenging, innovative and unconventional trait is that Souto de Moura’s architecture is bravely local.
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Braga Municipal Stadium. Photograph by Luís Ferreira Alves. Image source: The Pritzker Architecture Prize. © The Hyatt Foundation |
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Tahrir Square. Photograph by Monasosh |
21 November 2010
"XVII Bienal de Arquitectura: 8.8 RE-CONSTRUCCIÓN"
Reports Beatriz C. Maturana
Earthquake in Chile
In this critical time for Chile, Architects for Peace would like to extend its deepest sympathy for the lives lost. We also lament the loss and damage of a considerable number of Chilean’s architectural and historical urban heritage.
Chile is a country well prepared for emergency situations, with many response teams having just returned from Haiti. Yet, the magnitude of the earthquake has been unprecedented. Architects for Peace will be ready to do its best to assist in the long road to recovery and reconstruction.
We wish all our Chilean members the best in these difficult times.
Abrazos y fuerza,
The Architects for Peace Team
Some links:
National Chilean Television TVN: http://www.24horas.cl/videos.aspx?id=60951
Thinking of reconstruction: The Chilean Ministery of Urbanism and Housing (MINVU), together with the Chilean Institute of Architects are organising professional volunteers. National and international architects are invited to register--at this stage the focus is on national capacity. Link: http://www.plataformaarquitectura.cl/2010/02/28/pensando-en-la-reconstruccion/#cf7_field_6
arch-peace news and articles: arch-peace: Overview of the year that was 2009
President’s Report
26 November 2009
Dear members of Architects for Peace,
It has been a pleasure for me to lead another successful year of this young organisation. The value of Architects for Peace (Arch-peace) rests in the work undertaken by its teams on the many tasks that we pursue. Peace and social justice in the realm of the built environment are our guiding principles, but the agenda is not set and Arch-peace offers an umbrella under which to create the conditions for a better future. Architecture and the professions of the built environment are not devices for the production of heroes. Architecture and the professions of the built environment represent our chosen means to service society while adding dignity and meaning to all our lives. Projects that benefit most people—particularly those who need it the most—is what Arch-peace is interested in facilitating, promoting and learning from...
Find here: arch-peace: Overview of the year that was 2009
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Original design by Small Potato | Design adapted by Blog and Web | and edited again by Beatriz