
Earthquake in Chile

Earthquake in Chile

In this critical time for Chile, Architects for Peace would like to extend its deepest sympathy for the lives lost. We also lament the loss and damage of a considerable number of Chilean’s architectural and historical urban heritage.

Chile is a country well prepared for emergency situations, with many response teams having just returned from Haiti. Yet, the magnitude of the earthquake has been unprecedented. Architects for Peace will be ready to do its best to assist in the long road to recovery and reconstruction.

We wish all our Chilean members the best in these difficult times.

Abrazos y fuerza,

The Architects for Peace Team

Some links:
National Chilean Television TVN: http://www.24horas.cl/videos.aspx?id=60951

Thinking of reconstruction: The Chilean Ministery of Urbanism and Housing (MINVU), together with the Chilean Institute of Architects are organising professional volunteers. National and international architects are invited to register--at this stage the focus is on national capacity. Link: http://www.plataformaarquitectura.cl/2010/02/28/pensando-en-la-reconstruccion/#cf7_field_6

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